Yu Yu Hakusho

Yu Yu Hakusho Guest Page

Yu Yu Hakusho Links Page

Yu Yu Hakusho Main Character Page1

Yu Yu Hakusho Character page 2

Yu Yu Hakusho Game

Yu Yu Hakusho Episode and Movies Page

Yu Yu Hakusho Hiei and Yukina brother and Sister Page

Yu Yu Hakusho Hiei and Mukuro Page

Yu Yu Hakusho Yukina and Kuwabara Page

Yu Yu Hakusho Yusuke and Keiko Page

Yu Yu Hakusho Tv Show Pics Page

Yu Yu Hakusho Group Pics Page

Yu Yu Hakusho Animated Gifs Page

Yu Yu Hakusho Music Page

Yu Yu Hakusho The move Polterguist Report Page

Yu Yu Hakusho The Dark Tournament Page

Yu Yu Hakusho



This site is about Yu Yu Hakusho its about Yusuke Urameshi a Spirit Detective together with Kazuma Kuwabara Shuichi Minamino aka Kurama Hiei Jaganski Botan Koenma Daioh they help protect the world there's also Yukina Hiei's little sister Genkai Yusuke's teacher and mentor Shizuru Kuwabara's older sister Keiko Yukimura Yusuke's girlfriend Hina an ice Koorime Hiei and Yukina's mother Shiori Minamino Kurama's human mother Atsuko Urameshi Yusuke's mother there will be character profiles list of the episodes and Summaries of the movies, Hiei and Yukina page brother and sister page, Mukuro and Hiei page,Kuwabara and Yukina page, Yusuke and Keiko page, Animated Gifs page, Music Page, Tv show pictures, group pictures the newest game boy advance game Yu Yu Hakusho Spirit Detective Polterguist Report Movie Pics pages enjoy and don't forget to sign my guest book!!!!!



The Yu Yu Hakusho Gang!!!!!

Urameshi Team



This show has been on since 1999 this show is about Yusuke Urameshi a spirit detective together with his friends Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei his master Genkai his love of his life Keiko and his friends Koenma, Shizuru, Yukina, and Botan they protect the world from demons.




Yu YU Hakusho News

( 11-08-2003) The lastest tapes of Yu Yu Hakusho Toguro's Madness will be out 11-11-2003 and Tournament's 3nding will be out 12-9-2003 the new game for Gameboy advance is Yu Yu Hakusho Spirit Detective along with the Stradegy guide will be out 12-3-2003 the Yu Yu Hakusho episodes are on Cartoon network on Saturdays at 11:30p.m. in eastern standard time

(11-19-2003) This spring three new episodes from the Yu Yu Hakusho Series will be out Terrible Truths will be released 1-20-2004 Yu Yu Hakusho Saga Tape two Vol 21 will be released 2-17-2004 and Yu Yu Hakusho Saga Tape Three Vol 22 will be released 3-16-2004

(12-1-2003) A game for Atari you can get it for the Playstation Two called Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament will be released 4-25-2004 A book called Yu Yu Hakusho" Dark Tomorrow will be released 3-2-2004

(12-4-2003) A new Stradegy bok for Yu Yu hakusho called Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tomorrow: Prima's Offical Stradegy Guide for the Dark Tormorrow game for Play Station will also be released 3-2-2004

(12-25-2003) Starting Janurary 5th 2004 Yu Yu Hakusho will be on monday thur thursday at 5:30p.m.

(02-27-2004) Coming this summer is two new episodes Yu Yu Hakusho for DVD called Dangerous Games will be out 05-04-2004 and old rivals new problems will be out 06-22-2004

(04-18-2004) coming at the end of the summer is the next episode of Yu Yu Hakusho called  Chapter black Vol 25 In The Blood will be out 08-17-2004 and also will be out Yu Yu Hakusho Dark Tourment Saga Vol 1 will be out 06-22-04

(08-06-2004) Come out the Yu Yu Hakusho Calandar 2005 release date is unknown at this time

(9-25_2004) coming this fall two new Yu Yu Hakusho tapes called Chapter Black Saga Born Anew V 26 which will be out (10 5, 2004) and Saga of The Three V 27 will be out (11-22-2004)

(12--7-2004) This winter the next to tapes of Yu Yu Hakusho will be out tape twenty eight Three Kingdoms will be out (12-28-2004) and Tape Twenty nine Bandits & Kings will be out (02-22-2005)

(3-25-2005) This spring and summer the next two Yu Yu Hakusho tapes will be out the first is King Urameshi Volume 30 will be out (4-19-2005 and the second is Yu Yu hakusho 31 Dreams of Power will be out (6-21-2005)

(4-15-2005) Coming this summer the final tape of Yu Yu Hakusho tape thirty two Yusuke rediscovered its the final tape of the Series it will be out on ( 07-19-2005) and also the Yu Yu Hakusho calander will be out (4-27-2005)

My Condolences to the families and victims
of the September 11th attacks
on America on the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon.
UNITED WE STAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GO U.S.A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Monday August 29th, 2005 Hurrican Katrina went through New Orleans Lousinina,Mississipi, and Alabama over 10,000 residents lost homes, lost businesses, and some even lost their lives and it will be weeks even months until the situation is resolved about 100 or so people were evacuated to the superdome but don't have water and are hot thirsty and starving some have to wait on the cause way which is a highway because they have no where else to go and some have died because of no water and no food and some are sick because they are elderly or young children if you want to help make a donation to American Red Cross Red Cross these people desperately need help please donate today thanks