Yu Yu Hakusho Hiei and Yukina
The twins of the series
Hiei Jaganski The forbidden Child half fire half Koorime Demon He has red eyes and one purple eye in his Forehead the Jagan he can control fire and his black dragon wave he's a master swordsmen Hiei was taken away from his mother the second he was born he was the first born male born to the Koorime race he is four feet tall has a child like face cold but is honorable.
Yukina Full Koorime Hiei's baby sister who was searching for her long lost brother she was caught by crime lord for her tear gems Hiei rescued her in the end but did not tell her she can control ice and heal she figures out Hiei is her brother after the tournament but didn't say anything she gave Hiei her tear gem for he told her he would find him but it was Hiei all along Hiei will tell her when he feels ready to.