Yu Yu Hakusho Main Characters Page One
Characters of Yu Yu Hakusho
This is the first part of the main character's page of Yu Yu Hakusho Yuuske Urameshi, Kazuma Kuwabara, Shuichi Minamino aka Kurama, Hiei Jaganski, Yukina, Keiko, Koenma Daioh, Botan, Shizuru Kuwabara, and Genkai they are the Urameshi team the girls root for them their the Urameshi team squad.  
Yusuke Urameshi
Yusuke is the spirit detective of the earth he is the Urameshi team leader his oldest friend is Kazuma Kuwabara his master is Genkai he lives with his mother Atsuko who doesn't know her son lives a secret life Keiko and Yusuke been through a lot Yusuke is half Human Half Raizen he's sixteen and the hero of the story he first met Botan and Koenma when he died saying a kid from a car after he came back he became spirit detective he went on several missions and met Hiei and Kurama during his first mission Kuwabara also tagged along they went on several mission during the dark tournament Yusuke's master Genkai was killed by muscles after the dark tournament Yusuke and the others went against Sensi where Yusuke was killed and ressurrected by his demon blood after Yusuke went to Makai to find his father he fought his father Raizen, unfortunately Raizen died afterward Yusuke held a tournament so someone could rule Makai Raizen's friend won Yusuke returned to the nigan area he and Keiko end up getting married. 

Kazuma Kuwabara
Kuwabara is Yusuke's Rival he and Yusuke had alot of street fights but when Yusuke died Kuwabara was devastated and had to be dragged off by his friends and after he came back Kuwabara teamed up with him to help with his cases they both were at Genkai's tournament to determine who will be her student Rando defeated Kuwabara and hurt him badly after Kuwabara Yusuke along with Hiei and Kurama went on their first mission as a team to Maze Castle to defeat the four saint beasts during the dark tournament Kuwabara lost all of his fights except two Risho and Elder Toguro which he was killed by Muscles Toguro duing Yusuke's fight and came back then was kidnapped by Sensei it was a long mission Kuwabara was upset when Yusuke died again and was shocked that Yusuke was back alive again by his demon blood the last episode Kuwabara reflected on what the they all had been through he has an Older sister Shizuru and he loves cat he and Hiei don't get along he falls in love with Hiei's sister Yukina Kuwabara wants to be a scientist and he wants to marry Yukina one day that will be when he finds out who her brother is which will surprise him so much he may faint or he may be just okay with it.

Shuichi Minamino aka Kurama
    Kurama is also Shuuichi Minamino he is half human half Yoko a three hundred year old fox demon he was once the legnedary fox Bandit yoko Kurama a legendary thief who had a friend named Kuronue that they did a lot of raids he was killed but before he died he told Kurama to run and he went on to other raids until he was shot and Killed by a human hunter his soul left his body and traveled to the Nigan area and into the baby of Shiori who taught him how to love and have compassion he's very protective of his mother and loyal to his friends he first turn back to Yoko at the dark tournament and it had been fifteen years since then Kurama can manniulate any plants he wishes he's changed from the once cold heartless Yoko he once was his human mother is the reason he changed he learned to love and have compassion Kurama met Hiei when Hiei showed up they fought and Kurama injured him and took him home treating his wounds they went on a mission to save Kurama's friend they seperated afterward until Hiei came seeking his expertise during that time Kuram's human mother Shiori was sick so he Hiei and Goki stole form spirit world Kurama and Hiei met Yusuke Kurama introduced Yusuke to his mother then Kurama told Yusuke of his past then used the for lorn hope wishing to give us his life to save his mother Yusuke interivene telling the for lorn hope to take his life instead the artifact granted the wish without taking life then during the fight between Hiei and Yusuke Kurama intervine letting Hiei stabbing him with the shadow sword he splashed Hiei's Jagan with blood after Kurama and Hiei met up with Yusuke and Kuwabara for they were sent by Koenma to fight against the saint beasts then after Yukina was rescued Muscles tempted them into the dark tournament then after they went up against Sensei which was a long tough battle after Kurama recieved an invitation form Yomi then Yusuke hosted the Makai tournament after Kurama met up with Hiei who handed him his sister's tear gem necklace telling to tell her that her brother was dead Kurama returned the necklace telling him to tell her yourself then Kurama went home to the nigan area where he now works for his stepfather's company.
Hiei Jaganski (The Forbidden Child)
Hiei is the Forbidden Child this little fire demon has a bad temper cold demenor but he truely loves his little twin sister Yukina he's very protective of her his mother was Hina a Koorime Ice Demon he can control fire since he is a fire demon and has mastered the wildy distrutive black dragon wave he has a third eye the Jagan with it he can change into his demon form green with Jagan eyes all over his body he can control the weak minded send and recieve and send messages he's a telepath he can track anyone its the reason he can call out the black dragon wave he's a great masterswordsmen he's quick agile very fast like a black blur when Hiei was born the ice elders decided to exile him another words throw him down the cliff they wrapped him in tape with ancinent writings sealing his powers they had Runi Hina's friend to throw the child down Hina was screaming no she watched as the two of the elders held her back as Runi put the tear gem necklace Hiei's first and only present from his mother Hiei was found by thieves they only kept him because of his tear gem necklace as Hiei got older he learned swordmen ship he got so strong that the thieves feared him and abandon him Hiei was alone he lost his necklace fighting a demon it ended up in the river so he had to find it so he went to the demon doctor Sigure requesting the Jagan Sigure warned him it was dangerous Hiei insisted he went through the surgery he screamed and cried using some of his Youkai to relieave the pain it was a success Hiei found the island he ran into Runi she took him to his mother's tomb Runi told him of his sister Yukina Hiei walked off Runi looked at him and realized that he was the child she threw down she begged him to stop saying she was sorry she was on her knees he didn't stop he then traveled to the Nigan area in search of Yukina that is when he met Kurama they fought Kurama injured him and took him to his home to treat his wounds they went to rescue Kurama's friend Maya then seperated until Hiei came to Kurama seeking his expertise they stole three artifacts of darkness Kurama Goki and Hiei escape that is when they met Yusuke Urameshi a spirit detective Hiei kidnapped Keiko to tempt Yusuke they fought and Yusuke brought Hiei down after Hiei Kurama Yusuke and Kuwabara went on a mission to Maze Castle to stop the four saint beasts after Hiei went to rescue his baby sister Yukina from a crime lord after Muscles tempted Yusuke Kurama Hiei Kuwabara into the dark tournament that when Hiei brought out the dragon of the darkness flame when he used it to defeat Zeru but it left his right arm burn to a crisp and in major pain then Hiei and Genkai were caught in a medical tent his arm healed because of it then durning the semi finals Hiei went up against Bui that is when Hiei finally mastered the black dragon wave by letting it swallowing him whole after the dark tournament Hiei along with Yusuke Kurama since Kuwabara was kidnapped by Sensei which was a long mission after that mission Mukuro sent Hiei an invitation he went and Mukuro made him fought Sigure the demon who put Hiei's Jagan in his forehead Hiei then recently been having flash backs of him being thrown down the cliff and the theives finding him and when he first met Sigure and his friends and his baby sister when she asked him to take her tear gem necklace to give it to her brother Hiei took his sword out and charged towards Sigure he cut his own hand off while Sigure flipped him over and sliced into Hiei's stomach while Hiei sliced half of Sigure's head off Sigure fell dead immedately Hiei hunched over in pain Mukuro walked over to Hiei she handed him his tear gem neclace he declined it and passed out Mukuro revived him in the healing tank releaving what she looks like confessing her feelings for him after Hiei woke up Yusuke held a dark tournament Hiei fought against Mukuro he lost to her they hugged telling they were done fighting Hiei stayed in Makai as her heir while his twin sister stayed at Genkai's temple whether or not Hiei will ever tell Yukina who he is will be up to Hiei.

Yukina Hiei's baby twin sister there mother was Hina an ice Maiden Runi the women who threw her brother down the cliff told Yukina that her brother was still alive she left the island in search of her long long lost brother she was captured by crime lords for her tear gems she was there for a long time tortured locked in a cell Koenma sent Kuwabara Yusuke to rescue her along with Hiei who came undetected he almost killed the crime lord but his sister said no more holding his arm begging Hiei couldn't bare to see his sister cry so he stopped and released the man Hiei didn't tell her that he was her brother he kept it to himself he just said no one just a member of the team Yukina returned to the ice island she came back when the dark tournament was held which stressed Hiei out because he feared either Yusuke Kurama or Botan would tell her she can control ice and has the power to heal will Yukina find her brother? Will Hiei reveal his identity to her.Kuwabara falls in love with Yukina unbeknown to him she's actually Hiei's sister Yukina stays in the nigan area at Genkai's temple and Kuwabara will one day ask her to marry him which will be difficult because of Hiei who will have to reveal who he is and Kuwabara will have to deal with it Yukina will be there to smooth Hiei and Kuwabara from not hurting each other.

Keiko Yukimura
 keiko has been with Yusuke since they were children she's smart although her slaps are deadly she's always putting Yusuke in his place she nags at him about school Keiko was the one who brought Yusuke back from the dead by kissing him giving her life energy she was kidnapped by Hiei during the spirit break in and almost turned into a demon after Keiko was running for her life with Botan who was trying to keep her alive for Suzaku was trying to kill her in order to make Yusuke suffer she watched Yusuke during the dark tournament fighting for his his friends lives her and Botan become good friends she lives with her parents Keiko doesn't learn about Yusuke being a spirit detective until during the Sensei saga she loves Yusuke more then anything during the three years Yusuke was gone Keiko missed him so much when Yusuke returned Keiko and Yusuke ended up getting married and running Keiko's parents resturant.

Lord Koenma Daioh
Koenma is ruler of Spirit world his father is King Enma Koenma runs spirit world he's smart wise he met Yusuke when Yusuke died he's Yusuke boss from Spirit world during the dark tournament after Genkai died by muscles Koenma had to take over as the fifth member in order for then to compete in the semi finals against the Toguro team Koenma went against Sensei who tried to stop him then after Sensei went through the portal along with Hiei Kurama Kuwabara his father King Enma ordered out Yusuke's termination Koenma wouldn't let his father's army kill Yusuke the army tried to hurt Koenma Yusuke heard everything and was resurrected and tried to get the army to fear him but it was only a joke they hopped on Puu and went into the portal to stop Sensei which Yusuke did after Koenma told Yusuke to becareful for his father was still after him at the end Koenma along with Botan returned to Spirit World to continue there work.

Botan Grim Reaper
Botan is the Grim Reaper she funny bubble head air head kind of a ditz she took Yusuke to meet Koenma she is his assistent and she helps out she's very happy unless something bad happen then she is sad she doesn't like to take friends to spirit world since she death and collects souls to be taken to spirit world during the dark tournament she had to take Genkai spirit to spirit world after she died by muscles during the Sensei Saga she had to report to Koenma about what was happening after Koenma went to find Yusuke Botan found Keiko who was worried about Yusuke they ran for the world was in chaos when Yusuke died Keiko had Puu he died but came back to life when Yusuke was resurrected at the end she stays in spirit world with Koenma and still ferries souls to spirit world she sort of has a love thing for Koenma.

Shizuru Kuwabara
Kuwabara's older sister she also has spirit awareness like her brother although she's more aware then her younger brother she can't make a weapon out of it like her brother can she's always smoking ciggerettes and yelling at her younger brother during the dark tournment she felt alot of spirit awareness especially durning Hiei's fight with Bui she then watched her little brother be killed by Muscles which was heartbreaking for her after during the Sensei she helped Keiko and Botan find shelter they ended up near a large whole that Was created by Sensei Shizuru lives with her brother and still rags on him for being an idoit but she only does it because she loves her brother and tries to be there for him when he needs guidence.   
Genkai is Yusuke's master and Mentor she's the lady who invented the spirit wave which Yusuke used during the fight against Jin he calls her grandma a little nickname that he likes to call her she taught him everything she knew and passed her powers onto him she is rude and smart committe and fair she was killed during the dark tournament by Muscles Toguro she gave Yusuke a message telling him that people do care about you what ever decision you make will affect countless others she told him don't ever run away from death and she told him that Yusuke must win and teach Muscles that dying is a fact of life then she died after before she could finish her sentence and after Yusuke won the tournament his wish was to bring Genkai back for he owed her that much during the Sensei saga Genkai was worried about Yusuke and she was at the cave with the other people they recently met after Sensei was defeated Genkai returned to the temple Yukina lives there with her and teaches her stuff at the end Genkai leaves the temple to the Urameshi team for then to live in and to protect the world against the demon world should demons strike again Genkai eventually dies from old age which Yusuke takes hard since he was her favorite student and she's proud of how he turned out and the warrior he became.
